Pentana Solutions - EvalExpert Appraisal Integration


Our Pentana Solutions appraisal integration seamlessly integrates EvalExpert appraisals with eraPower.

Pentana Solutions provides a number of different Dealer Management Systems (DMS) to Australian and New Zealand retail dealerships including EraNet, eraPower, DealerPro and NOVA.

The latest software combines intelligence and integration to deliver comprehensive dealer management systems that link and streamline every area of the dealership in real-time. At the heart of all four dealer management systems is the ability to streamline dealerships, improve efficiencies, and ultimately increase the Dealer’s bottom line.


Using EvalExpert’s integration to Pentana Solutions you can seamlessly transfer your appraisal data quickly and easily to a trade appraisal in your DMS. All updates and changes are instantly synced from EvalExpert to EraPower.



EvalExpert supports all your existing devices; including Windows, Apple, Android and Web.